Carbondale Township
Carbondale Township is a unit of local government and is funded by property taxes collected on properties within the township boundaries.
By law, illinois townships are charged with three basic functions: 1) general assistance for the indigent; 2) the assessment of real property for the basis of local taxation; and 3) maintenance of all roads and bridges outside federal, state, and other local jurisdiction. In addition, carbondale township offers fire protection for all residents outside the city of carbondale boundaries.
The value of township government is found in the timely services it provides to the people. The assessor’s office is responsible for determining the fair market value of taxable property within carbondale township so the tax burden is distributed equitably.
You are invited to join the carbondale township board of trustees for its regular monthly meetings held on the second thursday of each month, at 4:00 p.m., at the township hall, 217 East Main Street.
Regular office hours: 8:30 am to 12:00 pm, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.